
Showing posts from December, 2022

The 10 Virgins

First to start off with the prerequisite is, Virginity. One must be a Virgin. And I take it Virgin in the spirit Pure and Uncorrupted. If the eyes is opened it has To be closed Talking about the Eve’s eyes. Matthew 5:8 Only the pure in heart will see God Not pure in body Not pure in thoughts Not pure in speech But Pure at heart. Meaning childlike Whatever is inspired , do !! Don’t corrupt the spiritual  With your mind. Once we are enlightened Then we must live consciously Mindfully !! Fully Aware !! Not just living day by day Routinely Blindly. Absent mindedly. We missed it if we live Unconsciously. Aimlessly Purposelessly. To sleep means Living unconsciously Un-Virgin or Dis-Virgin Means living Dead.

The Way

 Before Lao Tzu there was already Tao. Before Buddha Buddhism already existed. Before Jesus there was no Christianity. Jesus did not preach Christianity. Jesus didnt preach from the 4 Gospels. Jesus preached the Kingdom Of God. And Paul preached the Kingdom of God. Jesus didn’t really talked about himself. Paul did, I believe to give some info about the “founder”. To the Israelites Jesus referenced the divine realm, the unseen realm, the invisible realm as the Kingdom of God. Because the Israelites were expecting a messiah, a saviour like Moses to lead them out of Rome, out of oppression. And Jesus is just saying look no one is coming, you guys are missing the whole point, it’s not about establishing a Kingdom of Israel in this world. It’s all about the divine realm, the realm of God, the kingdom of God as vs the Kingdom in this world. It’s about The Way. The Way of  Living am overcoming life, A life that’s divine with authority and power. And if we really break it down it’s r...

Eccl 3:11 : Eternity in the hearts of man

  ALWAYS HOLD TO YOUR DEEPEST REALIZATION Eternity must be a man’s home, moment by moment. Without it, he is lost, always striving, grasping at puffs of smoke. A man must do anything necessary to glimpse, and then stabilize, this ever-fresh realization, and organize his life around it. Make your life an ongoing process of being who you are, at your deepest, most easeful levels of being. Everything other than this process is secondary. Your job, your children, your wife, your money, your artistic creations, your pleasures—they are all superficial and empty, if they are not floating in the deep sea of your conscious loving. How many hours today was your attention focused in the realm of changes—on events, people, thoughts, and experiences—and how often was your attention relaxed into its source? Where is your attention right now? Can you feel its source? Even for a moment, can you feel that which makes attention conscious and aware? Can you feel the deepest nature of attention? What ...
Jesus preaches Life and the inherent goodness and power in and of the universe in man. Sadly people made a religion around him .  True Religion has no name !! I Am that I Am Moses had an identity crisis. Not knowing whether he was a Hebrew or Egyptian. Born a Hebrew raised an Egyptian. Whether he was innocent or guilty. In the desert at the burning bush he realise his true identity. He is a Human. Neither Hebrew or Egyptian. But a human being. He saw the plight of his kind suffering and as a human being set about to set them free.  Even Job and even Paul. When he had a vision of Jesus, he realised he is but a human being regardless of race language or religion.  Religion as misnomer as it is if there’s a true one speaks about Life and the authority & power of man.   

Jesus did not claim he was The Son Of God.

 Jesus did not claim that he is the Son of God. ‘As in The only begotten Son Of God’The followers wanted to make him out as The Son Of God of Virgin Birth. But Jesus never claim he was The Son Of God.  In fact this concept of Trinity - Father.Son.Holy Spirit what does it actually mean ? I mean theologians have a field day at it but frankly nobody understands it although they might accept it at face value without any real understanding and knowingness of it  Jesus was despised and rejected by his people. He was rejected because he seemingly was telling them they were wrong. They were expecting a messiah. And the messiah that came instead of saving them like Moses instead rebuke the and exhort them to turn away from the religion of their father’s. That was what Jesus was doing because he was preaching then the highest truths that has no name, no label. In Pontius Pilate court he both offended his own people and also offended the country’s highest official and court . At tha...
With the powers and knowledge Jesus has he could have made a name for himself and be a successful entrepreneur like the spiritual gurus today that unashamedly sell their wares.  I know of a person who says he is a Christian and appears to be a devout Christian and I have no reason to doubt his testimony. However at the same time his FB is of him meeting the who and who and doing all the high level stuff even NGOs . I mean I am no sour grape , it’s just that somethings doesn’t add up . Abit to extravagant and lavish his lifestyle . It just doesn’t add up. How it relates to this verse is he seems to have the whole world, the lot and the symbols to go with it. It just that he seems abit hot air. I yetbto find out the truth.  Wheeeas another person he seems to be more capable that he is what he is doing. But he finds realness and authenticity in the what appears to be trivial things . But his soul is enriched.  It’s not about what we do or not do it’s about who we are. The re...

John 14:6

Jesus is saying my life is a testimony of a life that is in tune and align with the Universe. And the Universe is like a father and we are like its children. In the spirit realm.   The mind of Christ is actually 无为. 无極。

Blood and breath

Breath (气and神) entered the body Blood is formed (the material form of 气) Sperm is formed (精 Jing) This one has to regulate sperm, blood and breath    精气神血 

John 14:6

 John 14:6.

Ephesians 6:12

  There 4 ways that a person could be attack. Emotional. Mental. Spiritual and Physical. Physical usually but not always is the last outcome of an attack or a provocation and confrontation. Physical assault is usually the outcome of some sort of provocation in the mind, emotion or spirit.  In any physical confrontation more likely than not there is an Emotional trigger that’s inspired  by Mental trigger which is triggered by a spiritual stimulant of some kind. There lies the distinction between the brain and the mind. And the various degrees of consciousness.  So the source of any provocation and confrontation can be said at the highest level is spiritual in nature. Followed by mind and emotions. 

Pilgrim & strangers

 14.12.22 this is a festive season and period, people going about their celebration preparation. However due to circumstances and conscious decision I decided to be an observer to all that is going on. A detached observer from a 3rd person point of view. Like a tourist in a very foreign land, simply taking in everything that is going on but not participating in it, but just simply embracing the ongoing from a detached third person point of view. Like a pilgrim passing through this time and space. Having adopted this attitude there is something liberating something freeing. 

1 Cor 6:19

 This verse is also very mischievous misaligned by biblical commentators who has made it sound so theological and moralistic and mechanistic that it has no relevance to daily living.  Eg What if we strip away the biblical connotation to this verse and let it stand distilled by itself as what it says. That the Universe lives in us. The pure holy wholistic complete energy of the universe of creation enervates us.  Take away the biblical symbols of the messiah, the Christ, the gospels, the Bible and every associated Christian and biblical symbols. What we are left with is a human being and a Force. How we interact with this Force can Inly be found in trial and error experimentation of actual living and interacting with this Force. 

John 14:6

  The “I am” in John 14:6 is the same “I Am” reference in  John 8:58. Jesus wasn’t referring to his physical self he was refering to himself in the spirit. He was walking so in tune with himself and with God consciousness that he identify himself with the God consciousness with authority and power.  Just like say the aboriginals in Australia are the custodian of the land just because they were there before the whites came. Now is reverence and in respect to the “originals” of the land they refer to the aboriginals as custodian of the land.  However if anyone is operating in tune with the highest values of the human spirit as a human being operating with the highest universal values of human being and say anyone including the aboriginals do not subject themselves to the values of a human society than that person can say before you were as in the aboriginals , even before them that person in the spirit can say before you guys I was already here in the spirit. 

Kingdom of God

Jesus said the kingdom of God is in us and also at hand. Internally and externally is the kingdom of God. KOG has been a subject of millions of sermons and they make KOG as Israel or the church or the new Jerusalem but if we read the Gospel, Jesus did not say he came like Moses to lead the people out. At least not politically or physically. 
 In the spiritual realm. Jesus was operating in a high level of spiritual consciousness. He was exercising full authority in the spirit. In the spirit, he was before Abraham. Ok which point in time before Abraham then ? Right at the beginning. Right at the Origin of Things. Or even the Originator of things itself. As a Jew, as a rabbi as a citizen he has no authority but in the spirit representative  of the Divine he is who he is . 

John 1:4

In him was Life. Right. Life was the Light of men. Right. Now Go Shine !! Don’t just proclaim about Jesus Live the Life !! Shine the Light !! All Authority has been given him. And so you !! Now Go & make disciples !! Don’t just talk And keep taking Sounds very good But no practical good.  Be Natural Let your action speaks Louder than your words Actually be Silent That’s when “God” is loudest The western Greco-Roman’s Church with European and American Influence has lost it.  They have silent their own contemporaries  that speaks the Truth The Evangelical and Protestant church are groundless. Have a form of godliness but Deny the power thereof. Jesus is The Way 道 He major in Life The church major in him In his story and parables Nothing about The Way The  道 That the Last Man, 2nd Adam Speaks about The High Priest in the order Of Melchizedek. In Him was Life (精,神) The very Light of Man (气) The very bad is for Life Original Life 精气神 Let your Light Shine 意力钱 Your Purp...

Why Pray of God knows ?

This is another explanation of how true spirituality works. The modern western church with it Greco-Roman roots and subsequently European and American influence has done real damage to the true gospel as preached by Jesus Christ and turn it into something else.  Providence is always abounds in the invisible realm. Man has to commit fully and out action into beliefs then things moves. In that sense what the church calls prayer is redundant and in fact not only wrong concept but leading people astray. 

Matthew 10:16

The word Ninjutsu (the Way of the Ninja) is often translated as “the art of stealth” or “the art of invisibility.” The word implies two things: first, the use of stealth to uncover the hidden self so we can discover our inner truth and know what our real purpose is . Second, the skill of remaining true to ourselves but blending so effectively with the prevailing ways of society that we remain almost unseen, leaving no footprints in the sand, while still achieving our purpose. At the heart of this is self-awareness. The Way of the Ninja is the way of applied psychology and spirituality—that is, applied to the art of effective living. This psychospiritual approach was first mapped out in the Amatsu Tatara, but in a rather obscure form.  The secret scrolls contain tenmon (“Heaven things”) and chimon (“Earth things”). The latter—such as how to shoot an arrow straight to its target—are the ones the doctrine most obviously demonstrates; but hidden within this is an entire philosophy of ...

Ephesians 6:17-18

 Sword Finger Mudra  Often neglected in Taijiquan Form practice is the hand. It cannot be too limp or too stiff just like any other part of the body. It literally points the way directionally of the energy being issued out of the body. Any part of the body can cause a dysfunction of the whole.   In the practice of Taiji Sword the obvious asymmetry is offset by placing the other empty hand into the sword mudra. In Taijiquan, we train our self to move energy kinetically through the whole-body root to palm. This is a preliminary training to be able to issue energy naturally out of the body (Fa Jin).  In Jian / sword (double edged blade) practice, we extend this ability to the tip of the sword. Often missed is the empty hand and how it works with the sword holding hand reenforcing and further unifying the whole body to deliver energy outward.  In Taiji Qigong practice, often the sword finger mudra is used singularly or doubled to focus the whole-body's energy to a t...

Exodus 20:4

  Because no one knows what “God” looks like and what it is ? Before the heavens and earth was created, before man came into being, before any creatures on earth or in the water was created , there was “God”. “God” was before anything else. “God” existed before there was male and female. 

Matthew 6:24

Again the interpretation by the Greco-Roman centric church causes a lot of misunderstanding of this verse. Making it a choice of God or Money !!  (Please define what God is ? Ask a hundred people this question and you probably get 100 different answers) Christianity was a religion born out of Greco-Roman influence “The Way” 道 as preached by the Jewish Yeshua is a different thing altogether.  Anyway coming back to this verse. It’s not about choosing God or money In fact what the church means by tay is that you must serve the Church as it becomes synonymous with serving God.  It’s not a choice between money and God. The debate is not between God and money. Sure money has its associated problem but the problem is not with money but men’s attitude and subsequent actions and reactions towards money. Money does not cause envy, covetousness or jealousy , it’s men’s mind and heart that harbour such feelings and thinkings. Anyway by saying you choose God, what are you actually say...

Spirit of Sabbath

  The Spirit of Sabbath : Qingjing 清靜 refers to a pure, tranquil state of the body and mind; it is the highest state of Qigong and other Chinese inner cultivation practices. As Laozi states in his Qingjingjing 清靜經 (Tranquility Classics), ren neng chang qing jing tian di xi jie gui 人能常清静天地悉皆歸 “Heaven and Earth will return to your body if you can remain in Qingjing.” In order to reach this state of Qingjing, we have to embody Wuwei 無爲. generally, we translate Wuwei as “action-less” in English. There is a common misconception in the West that the meaning of action-less is do nothing. Wuwei does not mean do nothing! In fact, Wuwei is an action. The action of Wuwei is exceedingly different from our regular daily activities. When we expend our energy through our general actions of daily living, we feel physically tired or/and mentally exhausted at the end of the day. However, if we turn our mind within and focus on our body, we will feel great and completely

Matthew 28:18

  All Authority has been returned back to man via Jesus Christ. The Authority is to : Preserve and enhance Love, Light & Life And to deter, detect and destroy any spirit or otherwise that kill, steal or destroy.  We are to wield the Sword . Not God. Man. Man is to wield the Spiritual Sword. We are to take authority in the . . Spiritual realm . Earthly realm . Nature realm . Mental realm . Emotional realm . Material realm We are to control the “temperature” of the environments or situations. How then do we control ? Yes it’s more of control than fight in so far as analogy goes. It’s a fight because there’s a tension between Light and dark. Between harmonious forces and disruptive , disharmonious forces And we are to control.  Practically , next time you are in a hot LZ, use your mind to imagine that you are adjusting the thermostat, dialing it up or down as the situation warrants. See what happens !!